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Marketing For Chiropractors

Become the Health and Wellness Influencer in your community. The Chiropractic Community Outreach Program Connects You With More New Patients Through the Power of Educational Videos

Chiropractor Guide on getting New Patients

Get Instant Access To Our

Chiropractors Facebook Ad Templates!

Learn how a Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber can add unlimited revenue for your office at HBOT Revolution

Silhouette of a camera

Educational Videos

These are easy to make

because we come to you, shot

and edit all your videos. We've

designed this to be camera

shy friendly!

You owe it to your community to teach them the power of chiropractic care

*(our premium service)

a magnifying glass with graphic charts

Landing Page

Potential Patients are searching for your office on Google and if they find a website that’s difficult to navigate or looks like it hasn’t been updated in years, they will take their business elsewhere

are rocket ship taking off to identify laser marketing

Laser Marketing

Most people think that chiropractors just perform adjustments or get you out of pain. But we know you heal from the inside and that's what these Videos are designed to educate your community


Video Creation

We help you create educational videos that makes YOU the Health & Wellness Influencer in your community

Info graph of a bull's-eye for Facebook ads

Facebook Ads

We Create, & optimize ad Campaigns including copy and offers (based on your office NOT PRICE)

 info graph

Landing Pages Build

We build and optimize YOUR landing page(s)

Automated follow up with leads and booked appointments

Social Content Creation & Scheduling

We Post Twice Daily Content that is Educational, Entertaining, & Current (Facebook Page only)

 info graph of links to represent monthly newsletters

Monthly Newsletters

1 email newsletter per month.

Content specifically written for the current month designed to get patients to call your office

 info graph of a bull horn represent google reviews

Reputation Management -

Google Reviews

We automate reviews thru text/email messages. We create the review campaign for current and new patients

Database Reactivation Campaign

Designed to Have Patients Call you for Appointments - Every Chiropractic office should do this

 info graph of a computer to illustrate follow up automations

Follow Up Automation

Two-way texting, Email and

Follow Up Automation is all done for you thru our Chiro Plus Software. We set it up

 info graph of magnify glass to represent links in citations

Links & Citations

We manage listings across the web and generate and maintain nearly 100 powerful backlinks


Experts in online

marketing for Chiropractors

We’ve zeroed in on a specialized strategy with 2 very specific goals that chiropractors need to do: attracting a continuous string of new patients into your office, while keeping them happy, engaged and ready to return to you when needed.

can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your online Community Outreach is fully protected and always working in your favor. Most importantly, you can feel confident that your digital presence is actively contributing to the growth of your office and community.

 info graph of several images bullhorn magnifying glass shield and computer to represent online marketing for chiropractors

Our Engine Creates Stand-Out,

Daily Facebook Brand Experiences That Attract New Patients And Engage Your Current Patients.

We’ve created a simple, yet incredibly effective, chiropractic Facebook strategy that will create a lasting impression. Potential patients will be impressed by your professional appearance, while current New patients will stay intrigued by your thoughtful content.

 I info graph of several people working in an office to represent Facebook branding
 info graph of a rocket ship leaving a laptop with several people working around it

Our Engine Actively Strengthens Patient Loyalty And Encourages Them To Come Back More Often Via Automated, Monthly Reach-Out Campaigns.

Chiropractic Marketing Department

We employ a strategic approach that is simple, but powerful. It maintains your relevance to current patients, influences them to continue working with you while strengthening their loyalty. Preventing your patients from becoming easily stolen targets by your competition.

  • Email Automation
  • SMS List Building
  • Text Automation
  • Follow Up Automation

Our Engine Frees You And Your offices Staff From Unnecessary Distractions

So They Can Focus On What They Do Best...

(Serving Patients Inside Of Your office)

We’ve created a simple, yet incredibly effective, chiropractic Facebook strategy that will create a lasting impression. Potential clients will be impressed by your professional appearance, while current clients will stay intrigued by your thoughtful content.

 info graph of several people working in an office showing staff working

Latest From Blog

6 Chiropractic Conditions that Attract New Patient Leads

Marketing a chiropractic practice is by no means an easy task. Heck, you’ve tried the mailed letters, bobbles such as fridge magnets or gel ice packs handed out at local events, and even Groupon or other third party offer platforms—


Info graphs of a man staring at a big life-size computer

Download a Copy of the "Chiropractors Community Outreach Guide"

And Get Instant Access To Our

Chiropractors Facebook Ad Templates!

  • Step-By-Step Community Outreach Walk-Thru
  • Complete FaceBook Ad Templates
  • How To Stand Out In Your Market
  • Simple And Easy To Implement
  • On-Demand Free Video Course
  • Camera Shy Friendly!

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